Built on a Foundation of Behavioral Science

Unlock Wellbeing Opportunities in Your Workday with Active Break:

This programme is not just about taking breaks; it’s about creating a lasting change through understanding the risk, opportunities and challenges of sedentary habits.

Grounded in the behavioral change theories of COM-B and the Theoretical Domains Framework, Active Break is structured around three core pillars:

COM-B Knowledge


insight into action

  • Understand the Risks: Learn about the health implications of prolonged sitting and the compelling need for change.

  • Embrace the Benefits: Discover how regular, short bursts of activity can significantly enhance your wellbeing.

  • Strategic Breaks: Learn to integrate effective active break strategies into your workday routine seamlessly.

COM-B Social Influences

social Influences

creating a supportive environment

  • Team Wellbeing: Create routines that foster a collective focus on health, reinforcing the significance of breaks.

  • Time Management for Health: Manage time and expectations to facilitate meaningful changes in behavior.

  • Setting the Standard: Establish norms that encourage the incorporation of active breaks into daily work life.

COM-B Reinforcement


Solidifying New Habits

  • Personal Cues: Identify reminders and cues that resonate with you, ensuring active breaks become a natural part of your day.

  • Celebrate Success: Acknowledge your achievements as you make active breaks a regular habit.

  • Reflect and Grow: Continuously assess the positive changes and benefits that Active Break brings to your life.

Fiona Gardiner

Meet Fiona Gardiner, Active Break Creator.

My Journey to a Healthier Workday: With over two decades of experience in the bustling heart of London, I've struggled with the inertia of long hours spent at a desk.

A Passion for Movement: Dance has always been a passion of mine and it led me to pursue an MSc in Dance Science. One component of the course was Behavioural Science and Public Health where the Active Break concept originates.

Now, as I embrace middle age, the importance of health and wellbeing has never been clearer.

Commitment to Change: As I continue to seek the perfect balance between desk work and activity, I invite you to join me on this journey. Active Break is more than just a short programme β€” it's a commitment to our collective health.

Sharing the Knowledge: Stay tuned as I share the latest academic research and insights from leading health practitioners. Together, we will make informed choices to bring about the change we seek in our work lives and beyond.