enhance employee wellbeing

By integrating our course into your wellness strategy, you can provide your employees with the tools and knowledge they need to thrive both personally and professionally.

We focus on the importance of transforming sedentary behaviour during the workday into developing more active habits. Our course educates employees about the risks of prolonged sitting and provides a practical framework for taking regular breaks. Investing in employee wellness can not only boosts morale and engagement but can also lead to improved performance and reduce absenteeism.

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  • The Active Break Challenge is designed for office workers who spend up to 75% of their day seated.

    Prolonged sitting in the carries health risks. For people who are active outside of the office it's important to note that this does not mitigate the risks of sedentary behaviour.

  • Designed using a microlearning approach, each video is 2.5-3 minutes in length making them ideal for busy schedules and varied learning preferences.

    There is no set timeline to finish the course, allowing you to progress through the lessons at your own pace and revisit the materials as often as needed to reinforce your learning and practice.

  • The course empowers people to develop personalized strategies that align with their current level of fitness.

    If you have any concerns about your health or fitness, we strongly recommend speaking with your primary health provider before starting the Active Break Challenge or any new fitness program. This is especially important if you have existing health conditions, injuries, or specific concerns that may affect your ability to participate in physical activities.